Библия зеркало - Mirror Bible. 1 Послание Иоанна- John, 4 глава (в процессе перевода)
Mirror Bible
4:1 Beloved do not be swayed by everything that seems spiritual or prophetic; just like with costly metals, there is 1a reliable test. There are many false Prophets who come and go in the religious world-system. They might even sound very inspirational and carry a “Christian” label; this does not mean that God is their source of insight. (The word 1dokimatzo, refers to the testing of metals.)
Синодальный перевод
4:1 Возлюбленные! не всякому духу верьте, но испытывайте духов, от Бога ли они, потому что много лжепророков появилось в мире.
Перевод с Mirror Bible
4:2 This is how you discern the Spirit of God: the incarnation is the central theme of the communication of the Spirit; the fact that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is what gives legitimacy to every prophetic word. (See 1 Peter 1:10-14.)
4:2 Духа Божия [и духа заблуждения] узнавайте так: всякий дух, который исповедует Иисуса Христа, пришедшего во плоти, есть от Бога;
4:3 No so-called “spiritual revelation” that fails to communicate the revelation of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, is of God. This is the anti-Christ spirit that you have heard of and even now witness in the world. Any idea that Jesus Christ is not the incarnate word of God, does not originate in God but is the typical pseudo mindset of the spirit of this fallen cosmic system. (The Latin rendering from the 2nd century reads, “No spirit that would separate the human Jesus from the divine Christ, is of God.”)
4:3 а всякий дух, который не исповедует Иисуса Христа, пришедшего во плоти, не есть от Бога, но это дух антихриста, о котором вы слышали, что он придет и теперь есть уже в мире.
4:4 My darling children, you have nothing to fear; do not doubt for a moment the legitimacy of your sonship. You originate in God and have already conquered the worldly religious system because of the unveiling of Christ in you. His living presence in you is far superior to the futile anti-Christ mindsets present in the world.
4:4 Дети! вы от Бога, и победили их; ибо Тот, Кто в вас, больше того, кто в мире.
4:5 Their conversation mirrors their source and appeals to a common audience; the pseudo-claim of a pseudo-system has blindfolded multitudes to believe a lie about themselves.
4:5 Они от мира, потому и говорят по‐мирски, и мир слушает их.
4:6 Our beingness originates in God; anyone who knows what God knows about mankind’s authentic genesis, hears us; those who do not see their origin in God are deaf to what we communicate. This is the difference between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. (The essence of the incarnation is the revelation that Jesus Christ is the word made flesh; [John 1:1-18] he is the one who as the Son of God, mirrors and redeems the image and likeness of God in human form. He declares God as the only legitimate Father of the human race.)
4:6 Мы от Бога; знающий Бога слушает нас; кто не от Бога, тот не слушает нас. По сему‐то узнаём духа истины и духа заблуждения.
4:7 Beloved, 1love always includes others, since love springs from God; its source is found in the fellowship of the Father, Spirit and Son. Everyone who encounters love immediately knows that they too are born of the same source. It is not possible to fully participate in love without discovering God. To love is to know God; to know God is to love. (1Agapao from agoo, to lead, and pao, to rest - love is where the Sabbath of God is perfectly celebrated.)
4:7 Возлюбленные! будем любить друг друга, потому что любовь от Бога, и всякий любящий рожден от Бога и знает Бога.
4:8 Not to love, is not to know God. There is nothing in love that distracts from who God is. Love is who God is - they are inseparable.
4:8 Кто не любит, тот не познал Бога, потому что Бог есть любовь.
4:9 The love of God is unveiled 1within us in the Son; he was 2begotten of the Father in the flesh and sent into the world that we might live because of him. Our lives are mirrored and defined in him. Both his birth in the flesh as well as his commission into the world were 2entirely God’s doing. (Unfortunately most English translations reads, “The love of God was manifest towards us, or amongst us rather than in us. The Greek word is clear, 1en hemin ἐν ἡμῖν, in us.
The incarnation is not the origin of Jesus. The word 2monogenes, born only of God, or entirely begotten of God, refers to the physical birth of Jesus, which was the incarnation of the Word. [See John 1:1 “To go back to the very beginning is to find the Word already present there; face to face with God. The Word is I am; God’s eternal eloquence echoes and concludes in him. The Word equals God.” In the beginning, arche, to be first in order, time, place or rank. The Word, logos, was ”with” God; here John uses the Greek Preposition pros, towards; face-to-face. Three times in this sentence John uses the Active Indicative Imperfect form of the verb eimi, namely aen [ἦν] to continue to be, [in the beginning ‘was’ the Word etc...] which conveys no idea of origin for God or for the Logos, but simply continuous existence, “I am.” Quite a different verb egeneto, “became,” appears in John 1:14 for the beginning of the Incarnation of the Logos. The Word ‘became’ flesh. See the distinction sharply drawn in John 8:58, “before Abraham was [born, genesthai from ginomai] I am.” The word eimi, I am; the essence of being, suggesting timeless existence. See also my commentary note on 1 Pet 1:16].)
4:9 Любовь Божия к нам открылась в том, что Бог послал в мир Единородного Сына Своего, чтобы мы получили жизнь через Него.
4:10 Love is not defined by our love for God, but by his love for us. It is not our response to God that attracts his attention; we have always had his undivided affection as declared in the prophetic promise and finally demonstrated in his Son’s commission and work of atonement for our sins. (See 1 John 2:2 Jesus is our at-one-ment, he has conciliated us to himself and has taken our sins and distortions out of the equation. What he has accomplished is not to be seen as something that belongs to us exclusively; the same at-one-ment includes the entire cosmos. [The word hilasmos, means to conciliate, to bring about atonement, from hileos, gracious, merciful. Also reminds of the word hilaros, cheerful, joyous, hilarious.])
4:10 В том любовь, что не мы возлюбили Бога, но Он возлюбил нас и послал Сына Своего в умилостивление за грехи наши.
4:11 Loved Ones. If this is true about God’s love for us, it is equally true of his love in us for others.
4:11 Возлюбленные! если так возлюбил нас Бог, то и мы должны любить друг друга.
4:12 God was never visible to anyone until Jesus brought him into full view; now your love does the same. Our love for one another is evidence of God’s seamless union with mankind as witnessed in his love perfected within us. (See John 1:18 Until this moment God remained invisible to everyone; now the authentic begotten Son, [monogenes, begotten only of God] the blueprint of our design, who represents the innermost being of God, [the Son who is in the bosom of the father,] brings him into full view. He is the official authority qualified to announce God. He is our guide who accurately declares and interprets the invisible God within us.)
4:12 Бога никто никогда не видел. Если мы любим друг друга, то Бог в нас пребывает, и любовь Его совершенна есть в нас.
4:13 His own Spirit is the 1source of this gift, of knowing that we are 2continuously, seamlessly and very consciously present in him and he in us. (The Preposition 1ek always denotes source or origin. The word 2meno means to continue to be present.)
4:13 Что мы пребываем в Нем и Он в нас, узнаём из того, что Он дал нам от Духа Своего.
4:14 We bear witness to that which has 1arrested our attention concerning the Father’s intent in commissioning the Son as Savior of the world. (John uses the word, 1theaomai, to view attentively, to contemplate, to learn by looking. Realizing authentic, redeemed sonship is what rescues the world. )
4:14 И мы видели и свидетельствуем, что Отец послал Сына Спасителем миру.
4:15 For anyone 1to see and to say that Jesus is the Son of God is to awaken to the awareness that we are 2continuously, seamlessly joined in oneness. (The word 1homologeo, from homo, the same and lego, to speak; thus to say the same. The word 2meno means to continue to be present. Young’s Literal Translation reads: God in him doth remain, and he in God. [Now God cannot remain somewhere if he was never there to begin with, neither can we.] See John 14:20.)
4:15 Кто исповедует, что Иисус есть Сын Божий, в том пребывает Бог, и он в Боге.
4:16 And thus we have come to know and believe the love that God has unveiled within us. God is love. Love is who God is; to live in this place of conscious, constant love, is to live immersed in God and to feel perfectly at home in his indwelling. (You’re not alone and adrift in the universe; you are at home in the Father’s good pleasure - Godfrey Birtill - The Wine is Alive.)
4:16 И мы познали любовь, которую имеет к нам Бог, и уверовали в нее.
4:17 So now, with us awakening to 1our full inclusion in this love union, everything is perfect. Its completeness is not compromised in contradiction. Our 2confident conversation 3echoes this fellowship even in the face of 4crisis; because, as he is, so are we in this world - our lives are mirrored in him. We are as blameless in this life as Jesus is. This perfect love union is the source of our confidence whenever we 5face the scrutiny of contradiction. (This place of seamless union is the perfection of Agape - en toutoo teteleotai he agape meth'hemoon; notice, the word 1meth’hemoon, together with us; from meta, together with and hemoon, us; to be included in the same togetherness. The word 2parresia, from para, a Preposition indicating close proximity, and rheo, to pour forth; to flow freely, suggesting unreservedness in speech; bold utterance, confidence. The word, 3echo, to hold, like sound is held in an echo; to resonate. The word 4krisis is often translated, judgment. So, the 5day of judgment, “in the face of crisis”, can be translated, “facing the scrutiny of contradiction in our daily lives.”)
4:17 Любовь до того совершенства достигает в нас, что мы имеем дерзновение в день суда, потому что поступаем в мире сем, как Он.
4:18 Fear cannot co-exist in this love realm. The perfect love union that we are talking about expels fear. Fear holds on to an expectation of crisis and judgment [which brings separation] and interprets it as due punishment [a form of karma.] It echoes torment and only registers in someone who does not yet realize the completeness of their love union. [With the Father, Son and Spirit and with one another.] (See Heb 2:15.)
4:18 В любви нет страха, но совершенная любовь изгоняет страх, потому что в страхе есть мучение. Боящийся несовершен в любви.
4:19 We love because he loved us first. (We did not invent this fellowship; we are invited into the fellowship of the Father and the Son.)
4:19 Будем любить Его, потому что Он прежде возлюбил нас.
4:20 If anyone claims to love God but he cannot stand a fellow human, his love for God is fake; how is it possible to not love someone you can see with your eyes yet claim to love an invisible God? (Love is not defined by our ability to like or dislike someone; love is a God-thing from start to finish. God cannot make his love for mankind more tangibly certain than what he did in his Son, Jesus Christ.)
4:20 Кто говорит: «я люблю Бога», а брата своего ненавидит, тот лжец: ибо не любящий брата своего, которого видит, как может любить Бога, Которого не видит?
4:21 God’s 1conclusion on this is clear, loving him includes loving your fellow human - there is no distinction. (The word often translated, commandment, 1entole, from en, plus telos, in completeness; I have translated, conclusion.)
4:21 И мы имеем от Него такую заповедь, чтобы любящий Бога любил и брата своего.