Библия зеркало - Mirror Bible. Послание Иакова - James , 2 глава (в процессе перевода)

Mirror Bible

2:1 Jesus heads up the kind of faith that does not judge on face value, neither is it influenced by popular opinion or 1outward appearance. (1Face value, prosopolepsia.)

Синодальный перевод

2:1 Братия мои! имейте веру в Иисуса Христа нашего Господа славы, не взирая на лица.

Перевод с Mirror Bible


2:2 Here is a typical example: an influential impressive looking man, dressed in glitter and fine jewelry may visit your assembly; then a shabby looking poor man may walk into the same gathering;

2:2 Ибо, если в собрание ваше войдет человек с золотым перстнем, в богатой одежде, войдет же и бедный в скудной одежде,


2:3 the smart guy gets the best seat while the shabby looking chap gets told to stand in the back or sit on the ground like a slave at your feet.

2:3 и вы, смотря на одетого в богатую одежду, скажете ему: тебе хорошо сесть здесь, а бедному скажете: ты стань там, или садись здесь, у ног моих, —


2:4 To discriminate in your heart against anyone conceives a judgment in you that can cause great ill; can you imagine how it hurts to be rejected like that?

2:4 то не пересуживаете ли вы в себе и не становитесь ли судьями с худыми мыслями?


2:5 May I have your full attention on this issue my dear friends, faith in who you really are according to 1your original identity is the real measure of your wealth; you might be poor according to the standards of this world but according to God you possess your allotted portion which is the kingdom of his promise to those who love him. (The word, 1eklegomai, comes from ek, a Preposition denoting origin, and lego, meaning to speak; thus, the original blueprint-word, logos.)

2:5 Послушайте, братия мои возлюбленные: не бедных ли мира избрал Бог быть богатыми верою и наследниками Царствия, которое Он обещал любящим Его?


2:6 But you insult the poor, in your effort to impress the rich; meanwhile you fail to realize that the rich have abused their influence against you. They have conned you into their prejudices and discriminatory judgments. They bought your vote with cheap currency. (Any value outside of the price God paid in Christ is an inferior value to human life.)

2:6 А вы презрели бедного. Не богатые ли притесняют вас, и не они ли влекут вас в суды?


2:7 Their apparent position of influence is just a disguize they employ to blaspheme the name that defines your true identity.

2:7 Не они ли бесславят доброе имя, которым вы называетесь?


2:8 Scripture confirms that the law of the kingdom is fulfilled in you realizing the same value in your neighbor as you would see in yourself; this is what doing the word is all about, and it makes beautiful poetry. (Lev 19:18; Lk 10:27, Mt 22:37-40. By not forgetting what manner of person you are, you will not forget what manner of person your neighbor is according to the mirror principle.)

2:8 Если вы исполняете закон царский, по Писанию: возлюби ближнего твоего, как себя самого, — хорошо делаете.


2:9 To judge anyone on outward appearance is a 1sin. This violates the law of liberty and revives condemnation and guilt. (The word, 1hamartia, from ha, meaning negative and meros, meaning form or allotted portion; sin represents any thing that robs you of your allotted portion which is the true measure of your life.)

2:9 Но если поступаете с лицеприятием, то грех делаете, и перед законом оказываетесь преступниками.


2:10 If you lower the standard of the law in just one aspect of it you have 1failed entirely. (To fail, stumble, err, 1pipto, to descend from a higher place to a lower, from petomai, to fly; thus, to stop flying.)

2:10 Кто соблюдает весь закон и согрешит в одном чем-нибудь, тот становится виновным во всем.


2:11 For he who said you shall not commit adultery also said you shall not kill. Here is an example, you might be faithful to your wife, yet you have killed someone; your not committing adultery does not cancel out the murder. (And vice versa.)

2:11 Ибо Тот же, Кто сказал: не прелюбодействуй, сказал и: не убей; посему, если ты не прелюбодействуешь, но убьешь, то ты также преступник закона.


2:12 Let the law of liberty set the pace [be the judge] in your conversation and conduct. (The law of perfect liberty is the image and likeness of God revealed in Christ, now redeemed in mankind as in a mirror. Look deep enough into that law of faith that you may see there in its perfection a portrait that so resembles the original that he becomes distinctly visible in the spirit of your mind and in the face of everyone you behold. [Heb 10:25])

2:12 Та́к говорите и та́к поступайте, как имеющие быть судимы по закону свободы.


2:13 Judgment showed no mercy to those who do not walk in mercy, but mercy triumphs over judgment. (Those who walk in mercy walk in the law of liberty. [Gal 5:22, 23.] There is no law against love. While judgment threatens condemnation, mercy interposes and prevails over judgment. See 1 John 3:20 So, even if our own hearts would 1accuse us of not really being true to ourselves, God is greater than our hearts and he has the full picture. His knowledge of us is not compromised. [This word, 1kataginosko is only used three times in the NT, translated, to blame, or condemn. From kata, down and ginosko, to know; thus to know from below; from a fallen mindset perspective.] 1 John 3:21 Beloved when we know what God knows to be true about us, then instead of condemning us, our hearts will endorse our innocence and 1free our conversation before God. [The word 1parresia, from para, a Preposition indicating close proximity, and rheo, to pour forth; to flow freely, suggesting an unreservedness in speech; bold utterance.]

Also 1 John 4:18,19 Fear cannot co-exist in this love realm. The perfect love union that we are talking about expels fear. Fear holds on to an expectation of crisis and judgment [which brings separation] and interprets it as due punishment [a form of karma.] It echoes torment and only registers in someone who does not realize the completeness of their love union [with the Father, Son and Spirit and with one another.] We love because he loved us first. [We did not invent this fellowship; we are invited into the fellowship of the Father and the Son.])

2:13 Ибо суд без милости не оказавшему милости; милость превозносится над судом.


2:14 My friends, if your faith [in your true identity] is not practical and visible in your conduct it is fake and cannot benefit you in any way.

2:14 Что́ пользы, братия мои, если кто говорит, что он имеет веру, а дел не имеет? может ли эта вера спасти его?


2:15 Let’s bring it closer to home [I am not even talking about your duty to strangers], someone in your own family might be struggling financially to the extent that they do not even have the basics as far as clothes and food are concerned.

2:15 Если брат или сестра наги и не имеют дневного пропитания,


2:16 What’s the good if you keep your contact with them very brief and distant and wave them goodbye with empty words, something like, “May the Lord richly bless you brother. Be warm, be fed, ok, bye. Have a great day.” A coat and a cup of soup is going to say so much more.

2:16 а кто-нибудь из вас скажет им: «идите с миром, грейтесь и питайтесь», но не даст им потребного для тела: что пользы?


2:17 It is clear then that without corresponding acts of kindness, faith on its own is fake.

2:17 Так и вера, если не имеет дел, мертва сама по себе.


2:18 Faith is not in competition with works; the one cannot operate without the other. Faith remains invisible without action; indeed the only way to communicate faith is in doing the things prompted and inspired by faith.

2:18 Но скажет кто-нибудь: «ты имеешь веру, а я имею дела»: покажи мне веру твою без дел твоих, а я покажу тебе веру мою из дел моих.


2:19 Congratulations. So you believe in one God; so do demons; however, their belief in God doesn’t change them it just gives them the shivers.

2:19 Ты веруешь, что Бог един: хорошо делаешь; и бесы веруют, и трепещут.


2:20 Hey man, if you have nothing to show for your faith your faith is meaningless; it remains a dead doctrine.

2:20 Но хочешь ли знать, неосновательный человек, что вера без дел мертва?


2:21 Abraham’s righteousness inspired his act of faith when he presented his son Isaac as a sacrifice upon the altar. (Genesis 15:1, 6 confirms that Abraham was justified long before Isaac was born. God was his reward, not Isaac. No amount of good works can justify a person; good works follow faith, not the other way around. Here James asks the question, “Was not Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son upon the altar? The answer is clearly, “No. Abraham was justified when he believed God’s Word concerning his offspring, many years before Isaac was born.”)

2:21 Не делами ли оправдался Авраам, отец наш, возложив на жертвенник Исаака, сына своего?


2:22 His works were in synergy with his faith, and completed it. The one compliments the other.

2:22 Видишь ли, что вера содействовала делам его, и делами вера достигла совершенства?


2:23 Abraham’s friendship with God was the fruit of the righteousness he received by faith; this was announced in Genesis 15:6 and prompted a lifestyle that confirmed his faith. (2 Chr 20:7 calls Abraham the friend of God.)

2:23 И исполнилось слово Писания: «веровал Авраам Богу, и это вменилось ему в праведность, и он наречен другом Божиим».


2:24 It is obvious then that justification does not stop at faith but continuous into action.

2:24 Видите ли, что человек оправдывается делами, а не верою только?


2:25 By protecting the messengers Rahab the prostitute showed her faith in their message and was justified. (Heb 11:31.)

2:25 Подобно и Раав блудница не делами ли оправдалась, приняв соглядатаев и отпустив их другим путем?


2:26 Just as the body gives expression to the spirit, so actions give expression to faith.

2:26 Ибо, как тело без духа мертво, так и вера без дел мертва.
